Thursday, 17 May 2012

Final Neckpiece

 After the piece dried fully I then painted it to match my colour story, I added some gold spray to mimic the shine and glow from the caramalised sculpute that I had created previously.

 To capture the feel of Pinch and Pulling I added the hooks in the front as an open and close action. The hooks are a copy of the hook that are used to pull skin upward in the art of suspension.
 I platted twine to create the force used in suspending a person.

With thanks to my model Lisa Corbett I was able to photograph the final piece for my Fashion Project.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

To create the Neckpiece

 To replicate the original sculpture that I created a neckpiece. By mixing muslin with pva acrylic paint and drowing it with a househole filler/chaulk I was able to recreate a body neckpiece. After 8-10 hours the shell fully hardens.
I must still repaint the object and connect it more to the body through adding padding and clasps.

Knit project

For one module of the Fashion course we have Knitting. The mii project was to create an accessory. I decided to create a headband including a cable knit and stocking stitch. By moulding two different yarns together, it allowed a thicker more eye appealing result.

The testing result

After the structure fully dried I removed the hardened fabric from the chicken wire shape to reveal a hardened shell.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Testing the material

In order to be able to take off the made structure I need a base to keep the shape.

 I used chicken wire and twine to shape the form.
 By covering the metal in a plaster/filler type substance mixed with pva and dye I could hold the shape I was looking for.

 When the object dries fully (8-10 hours) I can lift the shape off the metal frame to reveal a hollow object.

From shapes to Croquis

From the Images that I captured on the mannequin from brown paper, I then went on to recreate the images onto a croquis. Through the processes of resizing and reshaping I devoloped ideas and forms.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Shapes on mannequin

I cut out the chosen shapes out of large brown paper to create new designs on a mannequin from which I will later draw onto Croquis and resize and reshape.